I seem to have overbought the Christmas wine ~ or at least SWWLTBO thinks so.
I usually maintain a very small wine rack of 9 reds and 9 whites. As it goes down I order half a doz of whatever takes my fancy. I am by no means a wine buff but I know what I don't like. To maintain this modest "cellar" I have a standing order payable to a wine merchant so can then buy as and when I like or when the need arises. The account is usually a few pounds in credit.
Coming up to Christmas I thought "best get in a few extra bottles" so ordered a mixed case. Then this morning Lil Bruvver hands me a dozen bottles. The Wine Supplier delivers this afternoon whilst I was at Hospital having a blood test and gives me an extra half dozen bottles "He might like to try these" ~ I barely drink these days
Unfortunately en route home from the hosp I had a rush of blood to the brain and thought "I'd best stop and get some sherry and port ~ for visitors like" and no sooner the thought than the deed and I arrived home with a couple of bottles of each and half a doz of claret that took my eye
Keeping score? 18 Bottles racked in the kitchen
12 From Lil Bruvver
12 Ordered from Wine Merchant
6 Bottles "with comps of the season"
6 Bottles Claret that I liked the look of
That's 56 bottles
Plus the sherry and port purchased this morning, the usual 3 bottles of gin, 2 of vodka, 6 of malt and sundry brandies, liquers etc in the sideboard.
AND ALL I SAID WAS ............... "I'd better get a couple of crates of beer in before the weekend"
Which is when she went