Thought I'd have our own exclusive thread for us desperate worn out ear bent parents of teenagers to let the steam out. I was going out for a meal with my one and only good and long standing mate last night.
Young Growler was acting as chauffeur so I could have a few scoops.
I asked Mini Moose what she'd like for tea before I departed, and I said I'd put it in the oven for her while she's tapping away on FaceAche.
Breaded chicken and chips then, nice and easy. Put the oven on to warm up.
5 minutes later I ask her what she'd like for veg? Some nice garden peas p'raps?
"Well you seem to have taken over, so do what you want"
Oven off, breaded chicken back in the fridge, chips back in the freezer, goodbye, and get your own bloody tea ready.