This morning, after a fortnight of threats, rows and a lot of shouting by me, Mrs S#2 and I decided to muck out the THW's room. 59 empty or half empty drinks containers including some which had once contained milk but now with butter/cheese growing in them, 30 Sandwich packs from Co-op near school mostly with one sandwich eaten and the other going very mouldy. Oldest one we found had a sell by of October 2nd 2009. Crisp packets and biscuits wrappers too numerous to count. 73 Chocolate wrappers.
In addition we found 17 plates, 14 glasses and 12 mugs/cups.
Enough spoons, knives and forks to set a table for 6 people (None of which matches any of our cutlery
8 towels in various states of mildew growth (5 we have thrown away)
1 Watch (missing for 6 months, claimed stolen at school)
27 pairs of knickers and 13 bras.
Her mother's missing cardigan and a blouse that her mother has been looking for since the Autumn.
All this under one bed
Tonight we expect to hear that we have "Invaded her privacy" ~ I shall probably smite her a mighty blow about the ear.