The Brat has just returned home after a weekend at her dad's
She came in with a bit of attitude about something or other and I said something and she gave me some rude comeback and did the ol whateva routine
He gave her a warning about her behaviour and told her to stop it or she would be coming home with him again . Silly cow refused to listen and did the roll the eyes to the ceiling and flick through a magazine and one point stifled a pretend yawn whilst her dad was saying something.
That's it - he blew a gasket - told her to get her school stuff and get back in the car. We have just had 20 minutes of absolute screaming ffffing blue murder as she thrashed , cried and slagged us both off.
He took her house keys off her so she can't come back here tomorrow and has to go to school and they have just left.
All over absolutely nothing. If she has to pick her battles she picked the wrong bloody one tonight
Deep , deep joy