We (THW & I) do not appear to be speaking this week.
At the diner table on Saturday the boys were, once again, asking me if they could have a dog .... so the conversation turned to what type of dog.
The THW, who had hitherto not said a word to anyone, chimed up with the suggestion that we should get some bloody enormous foreign breed of animal on the grounds that it was her boyfriend's favourite breed.
I replied that I was not in the business of buying an fecking dog just because her bf liked the breed.
"If he likes them so much", I enquired, "why doesn't he have one?".
"Because his parents wont have one in the house" was the reply.
Flippantly I responded "So what you are suggesting is that I should litter up my house with everything your boyfriend's parents dislike and wont allow in their house ........ Like his favourite dog, his favourite girlfriend ..... perhaps you'd like me to home and feed a bloody gerbil for him too?"
She stormed out of the room and hasn't spoken to me since.

I think I may have said something wrong.