So much for the Government's much vaunted "Basic Bank Account" that doesn't issue plastic but exists in order that the less credit worthy can have their pensions, benefits etc paid into it and enjoy basic banking facilities at their soon to be closed for good local post office.
Opening a bank account is hard enough these days ~ THW needed one for her grants etc to be paid into ........... ALL major banks wanted to see a utility bill in her name but there are no utilities that would ever let her have an account that would attract a bill at the age of 16 without me as guarantor

. Would they accept me as her guarantor? .... Would they fvck as like. Eventually the RBS saw sense, perhaps aided by the fact that I have two accounts with them, she has had a saving account with them since she was 4 and I control the accounts for two local organisations that also bank there.
"A debit card you say?"

"Once you reach 18 and have demonstrated that you can responsibly handle your account" ..... "Yes Miss Snoopy you can have a cash card to enable you to use the 'hole in the wall' .... NO! You may not have a cheque book .... How do you pay your fees? Well I'm sure your father will be happy to pay those using his cheque book/debit card/credit card .... you can then draw the cash and repay him"
Question I asked .......... "How does she demonstrate that she can responsibly handle a bank account if she cannot write a cheque or use a debit card and can thus only withdraw money over the counter or from an ATM provided she has money in the account in the first place?"
Answer ..... "Those are the roolz" I nearly slapped the smug b@st@rd

But I replied "So what you are saying is that you want her to let some money build up in her account so that you can have free use of it. If she empties her account each term you will presumably see her as irresponsible"
"Those are the roolz"