Well, mine has been a pretty damn depressing year.
The lowlights are many, both physical and emotional.
The things that are a given is that general life is still depressing, still working for a faceless corporation preying on the needy. Still managed by a psycopathic, hypocritical thick as fuck bitch. Home life is severe with the wee ones being 3, 4 and 7. Is it possible to ever satisfy the desire to be a good parent?
The year took a turn for the worse on travelling South for a 10 year graduation reunion. The whole thing was pretty damn depressing a mixture of sad bastards trying to prove their worth and smug bastards well trying to buy their former friends attention.
I was at Uni in Bedford but the trains were much cheaper to Northampton, unfortunately it'd mean a bus at about 11 the following day for a 3pm train, the following day being fathers day. Well during the evening I lost touch with the person i was meant to be staying with and other offers weren't too appealing, I knew there was a trin back at about 10am from Northampton so why not walk from Bedford to Northampton?
I remember thinking "what's the worst that can happen" as you usually do before making a stupid decision. Well, lying at the side of the road with four black men kicking me in the head in order to steal a ?50 mobile phone, ?20 cash, train tickets, a pair of pumps, deoderant and my medication confirmed it. Lying in a ditch trying to remember peoples dates of birth so as not to fall unconcious wasn't great, neither was staggering 4 miles to raise the alarm because no cars would stop to help somebody whose head was bleeding profusly.
The hospital treatment wasn't great, neither were the second hand clothes i was given, nor the police trying to get me to have ?150 transferred to get a new ticket home rather than them have to write out a travel docket.
Well, anxiety attacks, trouble sleeping and magic pills later I still hate people.
The emotional came a bit later in the year on finding out my wife and I were having immense relationship problems. Well to be more specific, she was. The 'trial seperation' was joyous as has been all the time since. The thoughts of being a part time dad aint much fun. Working bloody hard on it but some shit has been flung about the place and it's hard to get rid of some of the smells...
The good news is 2010 has to be better!