My day started with a nice full inbox and an email stating:
Thanks for the work you did for us last week, we wish to send out a similar communication on Jan 4th. If the table of customers is ready by 10am could an email be deployed early afternoon.
I reply:
We normally require 3 to 5 days to turn around such a piece of work. Fortunately there is little in the plan for today and I shall liase with the relevant people to confirm that it is possible.
30minutes later:
Could someone please let me know if this is achievable as nobody seems to be bothered to reply.
I refer you to my earlier email confirming that I will action this work and I am checking with those in the ecommerce team that they are able to meet the deadline. Your earlier email referred to a table of customers to target, can you tell me if this has been completed as I can begin to process the required criteria?
The table will not be ready until tomorrow, I hope this wont cause any issues.
My reply though may come back and bite me on the ass:
Thankyou for confirming when the table will be ready. However, we will have slight issues in deploying an email today to a targeted base of customers that will not be decided until tomorrow. I shall spend the afternoon working on time travel, though if achieved I can't promise that I will be here as opposed to placing bets on last years sporting events.
All that holiday, wasted!