So in fact the poll is pointless as it is not big enough to encompass all opinion (Humble or otherwise)
Well that was all a waste of time and energy then ey?
First bloody pole I've ever done and you say it's werthless.
I'm well 'urt and I declare that Fawlty Towers is the winner, ok?
Do you realise that the 4 first letters of the werd werthless is typed conseculatively to the right and down one, and werthless is the first 4 letters and down one to the right also.
Obviously in the werd werthless you've got to move over 3 more to the right, and then back up to e amd then simply down 1 to s to the left to complete the werd.
It's a real joy to type it, and probably the fastest werd/s I can type.
Amazing bit of useless information for you's that i thought you might find interesting