Hosps have roolz about what they can and cannot say. Admission to A&E at a weekend is always a bugger. There will have been a "Consultant" on call but the specialists will not have seen Mother until today so no accurate diagnosis will have been attempted. Weekend care is concerned with keeping the patient comfortable and alive until Monday when the real work begins. A list of "possibles" will have been tested for, x-rays, blood tests etc so that when the big man turns up mid morning on Monday he can see the results and order whatever further tests he wants. Results from those will not be available until he does his rounds tomorrow.
Another thing is that unless Mother has told them you are her next of kin they will be very reluctant to tell you much even when they do know something.
Ringing pre 10 am will only ever get you the standard response of "A comfortable night"
Ring during the tea time slot (5 to 6pmish) when all other depts have closed for the night, doctors have completed their rounds, patients will have had their pm checks done and all answers are being readied by Sister for handover to the night shift. That's when you will get answers.