Good grief, they kept talking to me, 'the next bit is going to be really noisy are you OK' they had put ear phones on me linked into local radio half way through Barry White they asked if I was allright. 
In all honesty they were great. It can be a daunting experience, I am not claustrophobic so that part was not a problem for me. Giving access to my body/brain, dysfunctional though it might be is another matter. Not sure why TBH I want stuff fixed but I don't want to admit that there is anything wrong, despite the fact that I know there is. Yeh I know it's prolly a girl thing.
They gave a me a 'panic button' if I got all claustrophobic.
I just closed my eyes and drifted away.

It's not a gerl thing btw.
I was diagnosed back in '96, but still refuse to accept that there is summat actually wrong with me.
I just keep telling myself that this is simply the way it is/I am, shut tf up and get on with it.
If 'IT' ...whatever it really is, if IT really exists at all that is, starts playing up and annoying me, then I simply swear and rant vile abuse at it.
It helps divert my attention away from it somewhat.
Werks for me anyway even if the so called 'experts' claim that I am odd with a very strange attitude.
I still reckon they simply want to be filling you up with man made drugs to keep the bungs coming and the pharmaceutical companies sweet. I've refuse all drugs apart from Modafinil, and they are in essence just a slightly stronger version of
Pro Plus.