Thought you might like this to help combat that Brunstrome twats
( grade A+ merit ) relentless crusade on making your trip in his patch as miserable as possible. been reading on another forum about some girly who was stopped by one of his comabt jacket, sunglass's wearing henchmen at one of these instant number plate recognition mobile camera sites...probably Queensferry literally FEET into his patch and operating nearly constantly....when she was pulled over for alledgedly having no insurance, because the computer said so.
Despite this poor creatures pleading that she WAS insured, and offered to ring up Direct Line there and then to prove it, they simply dug their bastard heels in, refused to listen and promptly confiscated her car and left her standing on the road side in the rain. End of.
It cost her ?150 to retrieve the car from the compound, ?200 fine, and 6 points on her licence!
She pursued the matter, and has now after I don't know how long, received some sort of half cocked apology blaming the computer and the insurance company for not updating their database.
Apparently, 2% of motorists stopped are going to have this same problem. Bloody great in'it?
This utter utter brunstrome prick needs sacking asap. He is not fit for the purpose intended, and he can take his jack booted over zealous staff with him.
The man is one evil bastard of near Hitler proportions.
Oh. His daughter was let off for her speeding offence though apparently.
I don't know the facts on that one, so p'raps some one could enlighten us on this little gem of information.
Before any one kicks off. I fully support the use of this technology IF it's used with a modicum of common sense.
Uninsured vehicles are a menace on our roads