Main drag (A41) going in towards Chester has got roadworks for the next 6 weeks.
Fair enough you think, bit (lot) of chaos while they resurface the road that resembles a relief map of the Himalaya.
But no, oh no.
To my staggering amazement yesterday I find that they have closed 2 lanes of the 4 to dig up and beautifully resurface the bloody pavement that runs alongside it!!
No doubt they'll be widening it too, to accomodate more virtually unused cycle lanes while they're at it.
Meanwhile the M56 and M53 are closed for 'investigation' due to an earlier accident.
Absolute bedlum chaos and gridlock all around here.
I was supposed to be going to Liverpool for a rare occurence today.
I've had to ring them and tell them that if I set off now, I should reach them by tomorrow, and will therefore set out tomorrow morning instead.
Bloody great.