Anyone had anu experience or useage of one of these, like this one? let my 'other business' website time itself out as I didn't have much control over it tbh., and cussies were really really slow and far between too.
Emailing the geezer that designed and hosted (is it?) for me was a pain, and costing me for every ammendment.
Now though, as a final push to try and generate some interest before deciding wheather to just give it all up, I thought if I could do some advertising for virtually nothing, then in essence I'd have virtually nothing to lose.
www.***************. net is written on the vehicle already, and is available from the site as above, but being a slight I.T numpty, I don't want to go about this the wrong way and stich meself up like.
If I go ahead, I'll probably park the car in some prominent places before the road tax runs out at the end of this month.
No point in doing that presently, as if you type in the web addy shown it'll come up 'unavailable', as one or two have told me already.