i'm on g jnrs new laptop cus my pc is broken. im struggling with this thing tbh and keep turning it off and keep losing the scroll down facility, so BEAR with me.
G jnr couldn't get on the internet as he was being asked for a netwerk security key.
Having rebuilt this thing only last saturday,i assumed this must be summat i needed from aoHELL.
Rang them up yesterday pm, and hey presto,sorted, and G jnr a happy jnr BEAR!
However,my pc wouldn't log on due to no wireless signal.RANG aoHELL back and after a bit of rummaging told me that my ETHNER port or summat like that is goosed.
Now I know this had been the main cause of me not being able to plug in this wireless thing three months ago, so on saturday my mate told me to go and get a BELKIN sticky in the back of the big box thingy stick to enable us to wireless it all up, and it werked!!!!!........until i sorted out this passwerd problem for G jnr., which is one hell of a coincidence in'it?
Why did it suddenly stop receiving it's wireless signal because of this?
The two laptops are connecting ok,so it must be this port thing on the pc that IS in fact goosed.
So,what do i do now then? How do i determine who's best to fix it, as the yellow pages is bursting with bods who 'claim' to be experts. Is itactually worth the hassle or should i go and buy a new big box tower thing....and i'm now typing this blind cus i can't fathom out how to scroll this page down any lowe, so sorry if it doesn't quite read right s