Now just a tad after midnight at TLHOTP in the med and ding dong the doorbell rings
Being a big brave girl, go to the front door and yell 'WHO IS IT?' to find it's the kindly male neighbour from next door enquiring whether or not Mark is feeling better
and to inform me that tomorrow the digger is coming to move earth on his side of the boundary and 'perhaps' I should not put washing out
I responded with a cool 'Thank you Very much **** (name undisclosed to protect the innocent) kind of you to enquire but it's a bit late, are you going off to pick your wife up from the airport now (she's been in Hong Kong for the past few weeks he says allegedly
but we have our doubts) and he says 'oh no that's tomorrow, now I'm off to the village for a few drinks because I've just mopped the floor and as it's all wet I dont' want to walk on it ?!?' - respond with a prompt 'oh thanks **** - see you tomorrow then, bye bye' = loud slamming of door!!!
I thought I'd left the nutters behind in England