The THW has today received her Provisional Driving Licence
She has made a school career out of arguing with every teacher she has ever had.
Last week she told the Physics mistress that she was/is a silly cow who doesn't know her
subject ....... then led a deputation to the head and that teacher is now suspended.
She was thrown out of GCSE History a year before she was due to take the GCSE because she insisted that the teacher was wrong on a matter of Tudor History ~ after a word with the Head of Dept by SWWLTBO (her Degree being History with Latin and European Humanities ~ specialist subject The Tudors) THW was permitted to take the exam and gained an A* which she then took triumphantly to wave under the nose of the teacher who had banned her from classes.
She once interrupted an Assembly on a "point of order" to correct the headteacher's grammar when he put up a power-point slide that madam took exception to.
I once watched her standing, up to her neck in water, in the swimming pool arguing with the swimming instructor (privately engaged and paid for by yours truly) that he wasn't teaching her how to swim "the right way" ~ I left the pool side and went to the bar to await the end of the lesson .... she went through 8 instructors and 250 of my pounds before I finally gave up ~ she still cannot swim but is miffed that I have given the boys the same lessons and they both can.
And now she is going to learn to drive