Author Topic: We ain't got nuffink to do, innit?  (Read 1485 times)

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Offline Nick

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We ain't got nuffink to do, innit?
« on: May 22, 2010, 08:07:52 AM »
WHen I was a youngster we kept bizzy with stuff like bike rides, cowboys and indians, Airfix, Meccano and the like. For the "joiners" there were Cubs, Scouts, Brownies, Guides and so on. There were no after school clubs and little organised sport. And we had no TV till I was 8.

Nowadays, as I well know, there are limitless opportunities for post-school and holiday activities. Kids also have compooters, stoopid game box things, techno toys, DVDs and heaven knows what else. But still the cry goes up "There is nuffink to do  angry041:"
So, about 400 yards from here is a brand new shiny yoof centre. Or there was.
 cussing: cussing: cussing: cussing: cussing:

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Offline Snoopy

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Re: We ain't got nuffink to do, innit?
« Reply #1 on: May 22, 2010, 08:26:07 AM »
We have had similar problems ~ the issue seems to be that "Yoof" does not want the "Oldies" to provide anything. They tell me that they want us to give them the money and let them do what they want with it rather than us provide what we consider to be a youth centre.

Roughly that translates into "Fuck off and leave us alone ~ oh and you can pay for our drugs, drink and other mindless activities 'cos we are too idle to get a job"

They are just killing time until they can get into the pubs ..... that is where they perceive the "real action" to be. Oh how disillusioned they are going to be.  noooo:
I used to have a handle on life but it broke.


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Re: We ain't got nuffink to do, innit?
« Reply #2 on: May 22, 2010, 08:38:03 AM »
Apparently, according to the local toilet sheet, there has been a massive increase in arson in this area this year.

Only a couple of weeks ago, near here, a kiddies pre school play group building was burnt to the ground, and all their pet rabbits gerbils etc were burnt alive, not to mention all the equipment and toys etc.

I would personally like to see these utter utter utter utter mindless fucking breath and life wasting drug and white lightening knuckle dragging ridden alien bastards to be skewered extremely slowly, preferably through the eyes, to a pile of diesel soaked radial ply tyres and then set on fire.

Offline Nick

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Re: We ain't got nuffink to do, innit?
« Reply #3 on: May 22, 2010, 08:40:34 AM »
Growler implements Sharia Law  ;D
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Re: We ain't got nuffink to do, innit?
« Reply #4 on: May 22, 2010, 08:50:18 AM »
Growler implements Sharia Law  ;D

Call it what tf you like. I have had enough.
This cuntry of ours only seems to favour the criminals.

I scored a minor victory this week anyway.
Reported one of these slack jawed arse wipe 'wannabe racing drivers' that trawl the streets around here every night in their chavved up shite ridden scrappers, for driving...for want of a better word, in an 'anti social manner'.
Woke the whole bastard neighbourhood up at 02:30 with his 'racy' little number scorching down our road on the rev limiter.
I'd have derived great pleasure in slaying the selfish brain dead twat with a rusty axe if I could have got hold of him.

Reported his reg number that I'd managed to obtain from the previous evenings 'street racing' episode to the jam doughnut sucking rozzers, and they did actually go 'round to his house and give him a 'yellow card' (ffs ::)) and warned him if it happened again he'd have his ex Corsa confiscated.
They wouldn't give me his address unfortunately so I could go and have a 'word' with him. sad32:

Offline Darwins Selection

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Re: We ain't got nuffink to do, innit?
« Reply #5 on: May 22, 2010, 10:14:53 AM »
skewered extremely slowly, preferably through the eyes, to a pile of diesel soaked radial ply tyres and then set on fire.
Growler implements Sharia Law  ;D

Stupid boy.  ::)

Radial tyres are for infidels.

The Prophet insists on cross-ply only.
I mostly despair


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Re: We ain't got nuffink to do, innit?
« Reply #6 on: May 22, 2010, 06:15:03 PM »
I've sadly come to the conclusion that it's no longer possible to have a bloody good rant and rage in here anymore as everything, no matter how serous the imtentions of the subject, just ends up being classed as a friggin' joke.
WHY? Shrugs:

Offline Snoopy

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Re: We ain't got nuffink to do, innit?
« Reply #7 on: May 22, 2010, 06:16:43 PM »
Probably because no matter how much any of us rant and rage nothing will change things so it becomes easier to laugh than to admit that we are powerless.

Well you did ask.
I used to have a handle on life but it broke.


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Re: We ain't got nuffink to do, innit?
« Reply #8 on: May 22, 2010, 06:24:42 PM »
Probably because no matter how much any of us rant and rage nothing will change things so it becomes easier to laugh than to admit that we are powerless.

Well you did ask.

No we're not. That's a 'sweep it under the carpet sheepy attitude' and you suprise me. eeek:

Offline Snoopy

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Re: We ain't got nuffink to do, innit?
« Reply #9 on: May 22, 2010, 06:36:42 PM »
I have raised my head above the parapet many times.
My front door has been spray painted in the middle of the night ~ the police thought it likely to be the same people as had also painted a slogan on the shop next door as the miscreants had used the same colour spray paint but although they found, the next day, a local youth with a spray can of silver paint they could not "be certain he was the one" so let him go.
My children have been spat upon on the school bus.
My car has been vandalised.
My garden has been torn up.
My windows have been broken.
And nobody saw nuffink

A girl from Liverpool was thrown out of a car outside our house a couple of years ago. She had been beaten, raped and was naked when they threw her into the road. She had "learning difficulties" so was deemed unable to give evidence and despite three people in the block having got the car number nobody was ever charged.

Last year a lad got kicked half to death in the road outside my house ~ I called 999 6 times and the police response vehicle arrived 4 hours after the ambulance.

I threatened to slap a 14 year old in our local youth club when he took a swing at one of the mothers. Blacked her eye in fact. I was threatened with a charge by the local police.

Need I go on?

We (and by we I mean the parents and the authorities) have lost control and it is going to take one hell of a lot of backbone from the bleeding heart liberals in government to get it back. It won't happen in my lifetime.
I used to have a handle on life but it broke.

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Re: We ain't got nuffink to do, innit?
« Reply #10 on: May 22, 2010, 06:45:16 PM »
Probably because no matter how much any of us rant and rage nothing will change things so it becomes easier to laugh than to admit that we are powerless.

Well you did ask.

No we're not. That's a 'sweep it under the carpet sheepy attitude' and you suprise me. eeek:

You're right...

All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing...
Pro Skub  Thumbs:


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Re: We ain't got nuffink to do, innit?
« Reply #11 on: May 22, 2010, 06:57:09 PM »
Yes, I hear you loud and clear regarding all the inherent dangers in taking action, but we as a society have to do our bit regardless how trivial and hilarious it may seem to some of the lucky ones that don't have to put up with verbal abuse, anti social behaviour bad manners, violence,being spat at,having your young family f'd and blinded at, laughed in your face when threatemed with the law, recklessness, selfishness,thrteatening behaviour,torment etc etc etc etc etc., need i go on?
This country has become a nation of friggin' curtain twitchers and 'brush it under the carpet merchants', and it's up to US, ALL of us the voters, to stand tall and get the message over to the pig headed government that this HAS to be reversed.

I had all the grief and threats of violence regarding the park problems 4 years ago, reapeatedly spat at, verbally abused and the family threatened with fire bombing the house.
I started off in a fit of rage by destroying the very equipment that was meant for kids to enjoy, but was sadly abused by the low life scum that commendered it at night time. All done in sheer frustration and anger, but it did the trick partially.
All this followed by meetings with local councillers and plod to finally get the matter resolved to a reasonably satisfactory conclusion.

I'm currently on a mission to hunt down and get these wannabe racing driver pricks that are paluging our local streets off the road.
1 down, many more to go.
Call me an old bad temperd  nark, I really don't give a shit anymore. cussing:

At least I'm TRYING to do something, no matter how hilarious and trivial it may seem to some.
« Last Edit: May 22, 2010, 07:00:02 PM by GROWLER »

Offline Barman

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Re: We ain't got nuffink to do, innit?
« Reply #12 on: May 22, 2010, 07:00:25 PM »
Yes, I hear you loud and clear regarding all the inherent dangers in taking action, but we as a society have to do our bit regardless how trivial and hilarious it may seem to some of the lucky ones that don't have to put up with verbal abuse, anti social behaviour bad manners, violence,bewing spat at,having your young family f'd and blinded at, laughed in your face when threatemed with the law, recklessness, selfishness,thrteatening behaviour,torment etc etc etc etc etc., need i go on?
This country has become a nation of friggin' curtain twitchers and 'brush it under the carpet merchants', and it's up to US, ALL of us the voters, to stand tall and get the message over to the pig headed government that this HAS to be reversed.

I had all the grief and threats of violence regarding the park problems 4 years ago, reapeatedly spat at, verbally abused and the family threatened with fire bombing the house.
I started off in a fit of rage by destroying the very equipment that was meant for kids to enjoy, but was sadly abused by the low life scum that commendered it at night time. All done in sheer frustration and anger, but it did the trick partially.
All this followed by meetings with local councillers and plod to finally get the matter resolved to a reasonably satisfactory conclusion.

I'm currently on a mission to hunt down and get these wannabe racing driver pricks that are paluging our local streets off the road.
1 down, many more to go.
Call me an old bad temperd  nark, I really don't give a shit anymore. cussing:

At least I'm TRYING to do something, no matter how hilarious and trivial it may seem to some.

I applaud you Growler!
Pro Skub  Thumbs:


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Re: We ain't got nuffink to do, innit?
« Reply #13 on: May 22, 2010, 07:10:12 PM »
That's very kind of you BM, and I do appreciate it, but I really don't want to be classed as some sort of marvelous one man band crusader.  noooo:
No, I just want to see more decent people/sheeples doing there bit to gain a bit more peace and freedom with the abilty to go about our daily lives without having to live in fear of this filth that plauge our society.

Stuff the taxes, stuff the deficit, stuff the recession,stuff everything. It's all a waste of time if society finally collapses and the low life scum of this country win. sick2:
I just want some bloody peace in my life and to be able to go where I want, when I want, without feeling threatened or in danger.
THAT should be the number ONE priority for this new government.

THAT is why I keep going on about escaping to the woods, usually when I feel as though I've really had enough of society and all the pure and utter shite that goes with it. Banghead

However, I fight on while I still have the desire energy and will to do so.

The rest can go and  Finger:


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Re: We ain't got nuffink to do, innit?
« Reply #14 on: May 22, 2010, 07:16:45 PM »
I know I'm bad tempered. I'm told everywhere I go. In here, at home, everywhere.

In a nutshell, do you know why?

It's called absolute bloody frustration that I do on my own admission, struggle to cope and live with.
Can't help it. It's me. No apology.

If you don't like it, or just see me as someone to laugh at, poke fun at, or scorn, then so be it.
I really do NOT give a flying fuck anymore.
My patience is currently running on fumes.