All part of the great socialist plan to keep themselves on top and the rest of us at the bottom.
Denial of education of the masses was how the communists got away with it the the USSR for so long. Nulabour are perhaps more subtle in how they are going about it but they, far more than the old "landed gentry", have been building a political elite whilst keeping the general populace away from the opportunities for ten years and it is working. Just look at the way they lie and lie about how much better educated our children must be because of all the wonderful "3 passes at Grade C or above" routine when in fact the vast majority of children leave school unable to string three sentences together, unable to do more than basic maths and with absolutely no idea of the history of this country outside of a preselected 20 year slot. Universities have, in the main, been created out of Technical Collegs with the result that everyone has a worthless degree and few have any practical training in the skills needed to make the world work.