She has returned from a bad week via at least two visits to A&E caused by an over active and accident prone Boy, much put out because Nick has given her, foolishly in my humble opinion, regular and accurate updates on the building work progress and she is ready to find fault with everything and anything. Armed with Nick's regular updates she knows what to look for and has spotted these flaws in the workmanship, smelt the stench of liberal overuse of white spirit, the mess that he thought he has cleaned up is still evident to her womanly eye and she has moved on from this to looking, I would suggest
actively searching, for those things that she just KNOWS he has failed to tell her. Meanwhile Nick, in a foolish attempt to demonstrate his angst, his anguish, his contrition and deflect her anger into something approaching sympathy has stupidly thought that if he shows her his damaged member she will forgive all and feel sorry for him and has whipped out his scarred willy and flashed it at her. At this point she has killed him.
Anyway that is my theory to explain his now elongated absence.