I am about to listen to Minor practising his scales on a cornet whilst also listening to Minimus reciting his times tables. After 30 minutes (Got to guard against a sore upper lip until his skin hardens and this is only week three of learning to play a cornet) we will switch round and Minor will recite tables etc whilst Minimus goes into the other room and practises scales on his clarinet. I can listen to scales and tables at the same time ~ this is not multi tasking (AKA not doing either thing properly) but it is due to the volume of the music which makes it inescapable. That will be followed by a reading session when I read to them in a valiant attempt to move their interest beyond Horrid Henry and Just William. We may well be tackling Tom Sawyer.
Then lunch (sarnies) and a cuppa by which time SWWLTBO will have returned from her morning labours at the chalk face and she will take over "entertaining" the boys for the afternoon. This evening FENCING lessons! During which I shall be once more banished to the car park to wait for them as it is just too far to come home and return for them in a hour. Why can't I sit in the warm and watch? Because I used to Fence for the RAF and, apparently, I "show them up" by making suggestions as to technique etc. My standards, it seems, are too high
and their coach doesn't like it but he claims that I cannot be present as there are other children in the class and I am not "vetted" (untrue 'cos I am) and not "insured" (prolly true)
I may make SWWLTBO take them
And so another day at Snoopy Kennels will speed to an end.