I have been bizzy getting myself banned from here....
Here we go again the Castle was there before the market brigade, well it was not. a Market was on or near the site at least 200 years before the Castle.
As for as the Moor site being great for all the foreigners living nearby well bully for them, why not start considering the native Sheffielders who shop at Castle market week in week out ,its there city they worked in the steelworks and down the pits and they mostly don,t live in the South of the city the area that would benefit more with a new Market down that end.As for people liking archaeology ,a minority of stone sniffers may do but lets start putting the welfare of the less well of people of our city first for a change; the people who work use and love the market.This is a quote from Cuttsie.
I posted that he was bigoted, bombastic narrow minded unpleasant piece of work.
He then implied that I was a prostitute.
I suggested that as he/she frequented such ladies the reason for him/her not being able to string a sentence together and having little or no knowledge of punctuation might be due to syphilis or gonorrhoea.
I don't know why I was banned.