In some ways I was lucky. My Dad suffered from heart problems throughout his fifties and sixties and got a bit vacant when he reached 70. Then all of a sudden he went into total senile dementia, almost overnight. Mum did say afterward that she had thought something was up with him and he'd been getting violent moods for a couple of months but according to the medics he had multiple mini strokes, up to twenty a day and his brain literally imploded. In six weeks he went from coherent old man to complete nothing. My last sight of him was sitting in a hospital, moving imaginary things from one side of the table to the other and back again. He lost all power of speech, all self awareness and then just died. All in six weeks.

When Mum's turn came some 5 years later I was talking to her on the phone. She hung up and went to the bathroom. My Brother came in from work two hours later and found her dead from a massive stroke. Again you have to accept what the medics say and they tell me she could not have felt anything, it would have been over in micro seconds. She had all her marbles and more right up to the end. Neither of them reached 72.
AND this is a bloody morbid subject ~ let's change it huh!