I luv steam powered engines.

They had some BIG 'uns there today. I stood deliberately in the wind direction to catch the whiff of the smoke. They should bottle it alongside Cazzy R.

What I can't understand though, are these plant pots that have these tiny steam engines, mounted on a bit of ply wood, phut phut farting away while doing absolutely nowt of any use whatsoever, while the usually fat slob with a grey and orange tinged beard, just sits there outside his old ambulance converted into a tatty home made camper van, with his equally rotund and fearsome looking wife watching the werld go by.
You can see that the owner is just dying for you to show some interest so he can presumably bore you rigidly to death in dreary technical detail of his beloved farting machine.
Pathetic. Get a proper hobby.
Would actually probably suit Nick tbh.