These heathens wouldn't understand, but I'd have those bits in me lounge on a shelf and on top of the telly as ornaments.

Werks of art they are.

Meanwhile, no 'Me Met' there, and the stalls were full of random shite.

Saw a 2nd hand front dual lense for a Wolsley 11/1300, but it was £45 and wasn't sure it was right anyway, and the ginger bearded jumper stained scruffy geezer didn't know either.
Uncle Festa now all tucked up in bed, chapter from the Haynes manual (sevo maintanence proceedure) read, cup of hot GTX, cuddled and kissed goodnight, and now fast asleep, all warm and cosy like.

I'll admit I am a bit odd p'raps, 'cus I do actually talk to it.

NEVER ever answers me back though.
