I ordered a wireless and some speakers yesterday!
Medium wave only with an 8-track player?
I agonised over it.... Options were: -
1) Buy an owld radio/cassette on e-bay for the classic look - but could then only listen to Greek shite - assuming they still have MW here.
2) Buy an owld radio/cassette on e-bay for the classic look - but have another system hidden away that actually played stuff - complex & spensive.
3) Buy an owd radio/cassette on e-bay with the classic look but
wot has been upgraded to have an MP3 connection. But still no FM available.
4) Buy a brand new system that
looks like a classic radio. Expensive and I thought the display was a bit lary.
So, in the end I bought one of
these.I reckon it looks close to being an owld classic radio but can get FM (analog) and play digital music from a card too!
Oh and it was the right price as well!
And finally, for the speakers I bought a pair of