I mean, what is the point of all those little slits on envelopes, you know, the bit where you open them up, the sticky flappy bit.
You peel away the edge and you only get half an inch when it tears back, so you have to start again and continue this process the full length.
Pointless, and mildly annoying.
The other one is the packaging on some goods.
Growler Jnr recently bought some random thing for his X Box, and it took the two of us over five minutes to hack our way through the reinforced plastic casing, and I had the same problem with a new shower head I puurchased recently.
I literally had to hack and cut at it to gain entry,and cut my hand in the process.
After all that, I discovered it was the wrong one too.
Can I take it back to B and Very Long Q without any packaging I wonder?