Been drinking tap water all me life, so it can't be that bad.
Quite so.
You are a beacon of health to us all. I am surprised you don't bottle it and sell it to the world.
"Growlers Sparkling Me'ill water, passed by the Bear"
Seriously though, what you lot reckon to these flamin' 'purified' water jugs then?
I personally think they are just a fantasticly profitable marketing ploy to con all these health fanatical plant Mrs G for instance.
We used to have one here as the water is soooo freaking hard and the kettle furred up in a couple of days...
Also, the water 'main' here is a plastic pipe that snakes around the village... it is regularly dug up by developers and we get loads of sand through the pipes when they re-join them...
In the house we now have a sand filter and a reverse osmosis purification unit with UV purifier...
Even dinosaur piss doesn't get through that lot!