These useless tossers that empty the recycling bins come down our side of the road every fortnight at 07:00, waking up the neighbourhood making as much noise as is humanly possible.
What annoys me is that my local council are quite happy to publish times for acceptable 'noisy work' - 8am-6pm - but send out refuse and recycling trucks at the same times as you
I didn't know the council published, or even indeed had some sort of timed gudlines on 'acceptable' work noise levels.
I shall dig into this now.
They quite often park up outside our house and do a 'shuffling/tipping' cycle at 07:00.
The noise is horrendous, as a seemingly ten thousand bottles and cans fall to the back of the wagon.
It could possibly be something personal, as I did give one binnie a right old bollocking a couple of years ago.