Still No. 873 in the queue at A&E I expect. 
When I went in there my hands resembled Jeremy Beadles's. Medical staff were superb as ever. I marched in at 0739hr's. In to see the triage nurse at 0743hr's. I got to see the doctor at 0810hr's, it would have been sooner but one chap came in with a nasty looking cut on his arm and a young lad with his foot that looked as though it had gone through more than 90 degrees

Anyway, one strong antihistamine to help, and antibiotics for the the next five days

The downsides...they can only issue prescriptions to be dispensed at the hospital pharmacy, that didn't open till 0900hr's. The pharmacy can't take cash/cheques etc, you have to pay at the cashiers, and they didn't open till 0915hr's. £2.00 for parking

Meanwhile, the hand's still sore and swollen