This is bloody awesome!
As you use it more and more it understands more precisely what you say… If it makes a mistake, you tell it to change it and it offers a range of alternatives. If none of suitable you can spell the word you need.
I have taught it a range of swear words which will obviously come in most useful!
Like I said ......
SWWLTBO has a student who suffers arthritis and has this bit of kit. She has had problems with "training it" to understand her and required a great deal of help to set it up. It still gets confused by her accent from time to time. Such things are fine for the handicapped (for whom it is intended) but it does seem to take some time to get it right for you. Not just plug in and go I'm afraid.
Well no, not in my experience...
It worked immediately without training...
To train it you simply read a section of text that it offers...
To correct, you simply say correct 'word' and it offers you a range of alternatives - you select the one you want by saying the number and then say 'okay'... if it doesn't offer the word you need you can say 'spell' and simply spell out the word...
It is very clever and intuitive... You simply say the punctuation that you need (comma, full stop, exclamation mark, ellipses, etc.) and format with 'new paragraph' and stuff...
It opens applications by simply saying 'open word pad' and you switch it off by saying 'stop listening'!