Author Topic: Fresh from the Inbox  (Read 806000 times)

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Offline apc2010

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Re: Fresh from the Inbox
« Reply #2925 on: December 12, 2013, 10:43:16 PM »
My wife says I should grow up...........

I hope Santa brings her fvck all this Christmas..........

Offline Baldy

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Re: Fresh from the Inbox
« Reply #2926 on: December 13, 2013, 04:56:22 AM »
Sad news at the Nestle Chocolate Factory today. A Pakistani was seriously injured when a pallet of white chocolate fell more than 50 feet and crushed him. He tried in vain to attract attention but every time he shouted:- "The milky bars are on me." Everyone just cheered.

 lol: lol: lol:

Offline Baldy

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Re: Fresh from the Inbox
« Reply #2927 on: December 13, 2013, 04:56:50 AM »
My wife says I should grow up...........

I hope Santa brings her fvck all this Christmas..........


Offline Barman

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Re: Fresh from the Inbox
« Reply #2928 on: December 13, 2013, 08:08:51 AM »
Sad news at the Nestle Chocolate Factory today. A Pakistani was seriously injured when a pallet of white chocolate fell more than 50 feet and crushed him. He tried in vain to attract attention but every time he shouted:- "The milky bars are on me." Everyone just cheered.

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Offline Grumpmeister

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Re: Fresh from the Inbox
« Reply #2929 on: December 14, 2013, 05:46:23 PM »
Just been sent a load of Christmas stuff

Santa Pick-Up Lines
1. Hey babe, when was the last time you did it in a sleigh?
2. Wanna see my 12-inch elf?
3. I've got something special in the sack for you!
4. Ever make it with a fat guy with a whip?
5. I know when you've been bad or good - so let's skip the small talk, sister!
6. Some of my best toys run on batteries... (wink, wink)
7. Interested in seeing the "North Pole"? (Well, that's what the Mrs. calls it ...)
8. I see you when you're sleeping - and you don't wear any underwear, do you?
9. What's a nice girl like you doing on a naughty list like this?
10. The whip ain't just for the reindeer, sweetcheeks.
11. Bet I can make you a believer again.
12. You know, I only come once a year, and I'd hate to waste it on an unconscious Britney like last year.
13. How'd you like to get all harnessed-up, you little Vixen?
14. Whattaya say, babe -- you, me, a rooftop and a nice chilled bottle of 2% lowfat?
15. Ho, ho, ho -- ho!
16. Come sit on Santa's lap and tell him what you want. Then you can sit on Santa's face and give him what *he* wants.
17. Wanna feel the Christmas spirit inside you?
18. My 'bowl full of jelly'? It's that K-Y warming stuff.
19. Who's your daddy? That's right: Father Christmas!
20. You know, after staring at reindeer butt all night, yours looks especially appealing.
21. Honey, you could even say it glows.
22. Big Daddy Claus da the house! Now your stockings aren't the only things by the chimney that are hung!
23. Forget the cookies and milk. Can I have a go at your cupcakes?
24. Technically, I'm not allowed to leave your house until I've properly
stuffed *all* your stockings.
25. Wanna get sleighed?
26. Baby, I'll take you 'round-the-world tonight if I can get you into the sack.
27. Well, what do you know... there *is* a creature stirring.
28. Lady, with your smile so bright, won't you be my lay tonight?

You better break out
The Bourbon and Rye
Tequila and Gin
I'm telling you why
Santa is invading your town
He sees you when you're naked
And when you're smoking pot
And when you're masturbating
Ev'n when you cop a squat,
so: You better break out
The Bourbon and Rye
Tequila and Gin
I'm telling you why
Santa is invading your town
Santa is invading your town

LET IT FLOW (tune of "Let It Snow")
The weather outside is frightful, but the beer inside's delightful.
And since we've no place to go,
Let it Flow, Let it Flow, Let it Flow!
Oh we show no signs of stopping, and now we're really buzzing.
And the lights are turned way down low.
Let it Flow, Let it Flow. Let it Flow!!
When we finally drink it dry, how we hate going back to the store.
Maybe we'll all get high, and all fall asleep on the floor!!
Oh the party is slowly dying.
And our friends have all stopped buying.
Now my bladder really wants to know.
Where to go, Where to go, Where to go???

Frosty the cokehead was a crazed neurotic soul,
With a big glass pipe and a vial of coke,
And no sense of self control.
There must have been some poison in that last dime bag he got,
For when he took his first big hit he dropped dead on the spot.
Frosty the cokehead doesn't worry anymore,
Cuz when all is said, and you're cold and dead,
Then you never have to score
The universe is run by the complex interweaving of three elements. Energy, matter, and enlightened self-interest.

Offline Marley's Ghost (Imbiber of Spirits)

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Re: Fresh from the Inbox
« Reply #2930 on: December 17, 2013, 05:20:20 PM »
Not strictly from the inbox but what the heck . . . .

A Chav Nativity

There's this bird called Mary, yeah? She's a virgin (wossat then?)
She's not married or nuffink, but she's got this boyfriend, Joe, innit?
He does joinery an' that. Mary lives with him in a crib dahn Nazaref
One day Mary meets this bloke Gabriel. She's like 'Wot yoo lookin at?'
Gabriel just goes 'You got one up the duff, you have.'
Mary's totally gobsmacked. She gives it to him large 'Stop dissin' me yeah! I ain't no Kappa-slapper. I never bin wiv no one!
So Mary goes and sees her cousin Liz, who's six months gone herself.Liz is largin' it. She's filled with spirits, Barcardi Breezers an' that.
She's like 'Orright, Mary, I can feel me bay-bee in me tummy and I reckon I'm well blessed. Think of all the extra benefits an' that we are gonna get.'
Mary goes 'Yeah, s'pose you're right'
Mary an' Joe ain't got no money so they have to ponse a donkey, an' go dahn Beflehem on that.
They get to this pub an' Mary wants to stop, yeah? To have her bay-bee an' that. But there ain't no room at the inn, innit? So Mary an' Joe break an' enter into this garridge, only it's filled wiv animals. Cahs an' sheep an' that.
Then these three geezers turn up, looking proper bling, wiv crowns on their heads.They're like 'Respect, bay-bee Jesus', an' say they're wise men from the East End.
Joe goes: 'If you're so wise, wotchoo doin' wiv this Frankenstein an' myrrh? Why dincha just bring gold, Adidas and Burberry?
'It's all about to kick off when Gabriel turns up again an' sez he's got another message from this Lord geezer. He's like 'The police is comin an' they're killin all the bay-bees. You better nash off to Egypt.'
Joe goes 'You must be monged it you think I'm goin' dahn Egypt on a minging donkey'
Gabriel sez 'Suit yerself, mate. But it's your look out if you stay.'
So they go dahn Egypt till they've stopped killin the first-born an' it's safe an' that.Then Joe and Mary and Jesus go back to Nazaref, an' Jesus turns water into Stella.
"Political Correctness is a doctrine fostered by a delusional, illogical minority, and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a turd by the clean end." 

Well, someone had to say it!

Offline apc2010

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Re: Fresh from the Inbox
« Reply #2931 on: December 19, 2013, 09:45:50 AM »
Sky news headline: police believe body found in grave is Jayden's ........

Why don't they just check the fucking headstone......... rubschin:

Offline apc2010

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Re: Fresh from the Inbox
« Reply #2932 on: December 22, 2013, 07:59:17 PM »
The father of convicted drug mule Melissa Reid has said that 'She'll spend her best years in jail'..............

Guess who's been watching too much lesbian porn............... noooo:

Offline Barman

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Re: Fresh from the Inbox
« Reply #2933 on: December 22, 2013, 08:01:21 PM »
The father of convicted drug mule Melissa Reid has said that 'She'll spend her best years in jail'..............

Guess who's been watching too much lesbian porn............... noooo:

 lol: lol: lol:
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Offline Baldy

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Re: Fresh from the Inbox
« Reply #2934 on: December 22, 2013, 10:24:39 PM »
The father of convicted drug mule Melissa Reid has said that 'She'll spend her best years in jail'..............

Guess who's been watching too much lesbian porn............... noooo:

 lol: lol: lol: lol:

Offline Barman

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Re: Fresh from the Inbox
« Reply #2935 on: December 24, 2013, 07:43:04 AM »
Media Personage: "Mr Average, you use a food bank. Correct?"

Mr Average: "That's right. I mean, why pay for food when you can get it for free?"

MP: "But why have you started to use one now? Is it because the evil Coalition have been deliberately starving you on ideological grounds?"

MrA: "Not really. It's just that I didn't realise that there were people giving away free food until I read about them in the paper on my way to work."

MP: "And there you have it: more and more people are using food banks because the evil Coalition—cruelly limiting a household's benefits to an equivalent pre-tax income of a mere £34,000—are starving them utterly to death. On purpose. Back to you in the studio, Tom."

Tom: "Er…"

I wasn't actually sure if this should go here or in The Commons....  lol:
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Offline Steve

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Re: Fresh from the Inbox
« Reply #2936 on: December 27, 2013, 03:38:18 PM »
Media Personage: "Mr Average, you use a food bank. Correct?"

Mr Average: "That's right. I mean, why pay for food when you can get it for free?"

MP: "But why have you started to use one now? Is it because the evil Coalition have been deliberately starving you on ideological grounds?"

MrA: "Not really. It's just that I didn't realise that there were people giving away free food until I read about them in the paper on my way to work."

MP: "And there you have it: more and more people are using food banks because the evil Coalition—cruelly limiting a household's benefits to an equivalent pre-tax income of a mere £34,000—are starving them utterly to death. On purpose. Back to you in the studio, Tom."

Tom: "Er…"

I wasn't actually sure if this should go here or in The Commons....  lol:
a belated  :thumbsup:

I shall use that to annoy a bleeding heart elsewhere
Well, whatever, nevermind

Offline apc2010

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Re: Fresh from the Inbox
« Reply #2937 on: December 27, 2013, 04:14:23 PM »
I've just seen the news about Muslim staff in M&S refusing to sell alcohol....

Whatever next?

Christian staff in B&Q refusing to sell nails and wood?..........

Offline Barman

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Re: Fresh from the Inbox
« Reply #2938 on: December 27, 2013, 04:23:20 PM »
I've just seen the news about Muslim staff in M&S refusing to sell alcohol....

Whatever next?

Christian staff in B&Q refusing to sell nails and wood?..........

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Offline Baldy

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Re: Fresh from the Inbox
« Reply #2939 on: December 27, 2013, 05:13:56 PM »
I've just seen the news about Muslim staff in M&S refusing to sell alcohol....

Whatever next?

Christian staff in B&Q refusing to sell nails and wood?..........

 lol: lol: