Why did Erwin Schrödinger, Paul Dirac and Wolfgang Pauli work in very small garages? Because they were quantum mechanics.
A blowfly goes into a bar and asks: “Is that stool taken?”
What does the ‘B’ in Benoit B Mandelbrot stand for? Benoit B Mandelbrot.
Why did the chicken cross the Möbius strip? To get to the other… eh? Hang on…
A statistician gave birth to twins, but only had one of them baptised. She kept the other as a control.
A weed scientist goes into a shop. He asks: “Hey, you got any of that inhibitor of 3-phosphoshikimate-carboxyvinyl transferase? Shopkeeper: “You mean Roundup?” Scientist: “Yeah, that’s it. I can never remember that dang name.”
After sex, one behaviourist turned to another behaviourist and said, “That was great for you, but how was it for me?”
And of course we all know the two economist jokes the punchlines of which are, “first, assume we have a can opener” and the other “but who do you think created the chaos?”