The Thermos Flask
A man is on his way home from work when he pops in to his local pub for a pint.
He walks into the bar and puts his sandwich box and thermos flask on the bar whilst he waits for his pint to be pulled.
The village idiot is sat in the coroner reading the Daily Star , when he points at the Thermos flask and asked what it is.
Man tells him its a thermos flask.
Idiot, says but what's it for
Man, it keeps hot things hot and cold thing cold.
Idiot. what will they think of next I have never seen one before , what does it do again.
Man we have had them for years as I said before it keeps hot things hot and cold things cold.
Man leaves pub after his pint.
Following day same man goes in for another pint on his way home from work, village idiot is sat in the corner with a brank new shinny new thermos flask in front of him
Man says I see you bought one then.
Idiot says yes do you know that it keeps hot things hot and cold things cold.
Man rather tersely says I know I told you twice yesterday, go on then what have you got in it.
Idiot two cups of tea and a choc ice