Two Irish men are sitting down in a pub. They notice a man walk in with an amazing suit on. They both start talking about what job he has. So one of the Irishmen goes over and asks what job he has.
Irishman-"Excuse me mate, that's a lovely suit you've got there, could I ask you what job you have, me and my mate are curious"
Doctor-" yes, I'm a doctor of logic"
Irishman-"what's a doctor of logic"
Doctor-"well let me explain to you. Do you have any goldfish?"
Irishman-"why yes I do actually, I have 6"
Doctor-"well logic tells me you have a pond"
Irishman-"that's right, I do have a pond"
Doctor-"now logic tells me you have a big garden because of that pond"
Irishman-" that's correct"
Doctor-"next I can assume that you have a big house with either 4 or 5 bedrooms"
Irishman-"wow, I have a 5 bedroom house"
Doctor-"now, logic tells me that you have 3 or 4 kids"
Irishman-"I have 4 beautiful children, this is amazing"
Doctor-"from this I can tell that your wife is very good in bed and satisfies your needs"
Irishman-"yeah, she's like no other women I've ever been with"
Doctor-" well logic tells me that you don't wank because of how good your wife is in bed"
Irishman-" wow this is unbelievable you're right"
Doctor-" see from asking if you had goldfish I was able to work out that you don't wank, because of logic"
The Irishman goes back to his mate who asks what his job was.
Irishman-" he's a doctor of logic"
Irishman's friend "what on earth is that"
Irishman-" let me explain. Do you own any goldfish?"
Irishman's friend-"no, I don't own any"
Irishman-"well, you're a wanker"...........