A priest dies and is waiting in line at Heaven's Gate.
Ahead of him is a guy, fashionably dressed, in dark sun glasses, a loud shirt, leather jacket & jeans.
St Peter to the guy :
''Who are you .... ???? ''
Guy, ''I am an f*cking Italian Bus Driver.....!!!! ''
St Peter, "Take this gold robe and enter kingdom of heaven."
St Peter to the priest,
"who are you.....???? ''
Priest, I am a priest and spent 40 yrs preaching good to people.
St Peter, ''Take this cotton robe and enter heaven. ''
Priest : "St Peter, how come that foul mouthed, rash driver gets a golden robe and I spent all my life preaching good, only get cotton? ''
St Peter, ''Results, my son, results, While you preached, people slept,
When he drove, people REALLY prayed..... It's performance, not position that counts.....!!!!!! “