Quasimodo was getting Married.
His Fiance said, "Hey Quasi, get yourself over to Harley Street and go see the Hump Doctor".
So he looks in Yellow Pages.
He gets over to Harley St., and eventually finds It,
So he goes in and up the stairs he goes, and walks into the Hump Doctor's reception.
He says, "Hi, I'm Quasimodo and I have an appointment.
Receptionist says, "Did you Ring the Bell..????
Quasi says, "Are you taking the Piss"..???
The Doctor says, "Come through. Lets have a look at you"..??
The Doc says, "How long have you had this Lump"..???
Quasi, replies, "Ever since I was a Nipper".
"OK", says the Doc. "Take your Coat Off. Take your Jumper Off. Take your Shirt Off. Take your Pyjama Top Off. Take your Vest Off.
The Hump Doctor says,
"Hey, Quasimodo, did you ever wonder, whatever became of your School Satchel"..???