As much as i luv me owld mobile teleohone, even I have to admit that it's seen better days, and it's started acting all peculiar like now too.
Virtually impossible to read owt through the highly scratched screen now, and it seems to have erased all of my pictures
even though it tells me that the phone's memory is full of them. Even the screen saver has vanished.
So, advice please.
What am I going to get to replace old 'steamy'?
I'm with o2, and they sent me some fancy pants all singin' and dancin' touchy scrolly monster thing a few weeks ago, but I told them it was shite and sent it back (just found the instructions for it actually.
I want summat with nice big clear buttons, a camara, and p'raps a flip down front to stop me accidentaly ringing peoples sometimes when it presses aginst me leg whilst its in me pocket.
No fancy pants crap with loads of useless features that I'll never use, and it's got to be cheap, preferably no more than about 20 quid.
Got to be able to take me sim card too with no messin' about.