I really do feel dreadfully sorry for the people of Pakistan who have lost family and friends to the monsoon caused floods but these appeals for us to part with yet more money to aid them are a bit much. Compassion is one thing but I think we all know that some if not most of the money will not go to the victims. I personally have a deep rooted objection to parting with my cash to help people who will, we know, be happy to bomb us to Kingdom Come next week.
Anywhooo ~ their own president is sooooo concerned he is lording it around Europe being feted as a "Head of State" with banquets, following which more food will the thrown away than many of his people will see in a month. He is not alone. The Pakistani Information Minister is also in Europe, preceeding his President (presumably to make sure the beds are aired or summat). They have a 30+ man cricket squad playing happily in a series of test matches in the UK (There is one starting today in Nottingham, weather permitting) Haven't noticed any of them rushing home to help bale out.
No ~ I'm sorry but if you live in a monsoon prone country and build your houses out of mud whilst building up enormous quantities of nuclear weapons, armed forces and throwing $$$$ millions in support to our enemies then you really do have a fvcking cheek asking us to help.
Let us not forget that you asked us to leave when we gave you the best standards of life, education and protection you have ever known. 1947 ended our responsibilities toward you as far as I am concerned. Sort it for yourselves.