
Author Topic: Kip  (Read 4100 times)

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Re: Kip
« Reply #15 on: August 08, 2010, 09:26:10 AM »
Shrugs: WOT?

I would suggest seeing the doctor but I know that is a waste of time 'cos you won't.

I'll say it for 'him' to save him some time and effort. ::)

Well either do it, or put up and shut up and stop your whinging. whistle:

I meant nothing of the sort ~ I just know that you don't trust doctors (neither do I much TBH) and I know that Mrs G is into "alternatives" which you also don't believe in.
Not much else any of us can suggest other than to tell you of our personal ways of handling it. I know that Nick doesn't sleep well and I certainly don't ever get a full night without waking several times. We both tend to listen to the radio and frankly I catch up in an armchair during the afternoons. Now why this should be I don't know. I have tried sleeping pills but that are (i) addictive and (ii) they cease to have any effect after a while so you kove on to stronger doses and that's not a good idea.
Maybe it is an age thing, maybe you have too much on your mind, maybe you are worrying about something or maybe like me you have just got into the habit of it. One thing I do know and that is if you are really tired you will sleep (As I do some afternoons).

Glad you liked the video ~ see any laydees there you fancied?
I find I sleep very well after a bit of the other. whistle:

No no no no no, not you, you daft owld trout.

Do try keeping up Snoop. ::)

Me arms is running 'ard but me legs 'ave turned to lard ~ must be the cider.
I used to have a handle on life but it broke.


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Re: Kip
« Reply #16 on: August 08, 2010, 09:30:10 AM »
I do wonder if 'avin' a nap during the day is part of the problem. rubschin:
I sometimes however have absolutely no alternative whatsoever, due to the very nature of this rancid bass turd alledged problem/condition of mine.
Still doesn't explain this waking up every two hours, virtually to the minute though.

As for alternative medicine, yes Mrs G is a practitioner, but I have no faith in what she does to me, and it bloody 'urts like nowt else I know of. eeek:
She uses me for piggin' darts practice I think.
She claims I'm the werst patient she's ever had to treat, so she's no longer bothering apparently. ::)
« Last Edit: August 08, 2010, 09:32:31 AM by GROWLER »

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Re: Kip
« Reply #17 on: August 08, 2010, 09:37:11 AM »
When I was in Lanzartooty my sis suggested Nytol. I took two and slept for 14 hours!
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Re: Kip
« Reply #18 on: August 08, 2010, 09:38:07 AM »
I truthfully find the less I worry about it the less I care. I just accept it as normal now.

I seem to work on a three hourly cycle. Sleep like a log, as soon as my head touches the pillow, but wake after three hours (give or take) from then on it is doze and wake, doze and wake until about 6 when if I had any sense I would get up but as I hear the start of the Today programme I nod off and don't tend to wake until either the kids are making a racket or SWWLTBO brings me a cuppa at about 8ish when I feel like shite from being woken. Come 9pm I am so bloody knackered that I go to bed. Often I am in bed by 8pm. Stoopid 'cos I just know I will wake before midnight but if I stay up I simply fall asleep in the chair.
I used to have a handle on life but it broke.


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Re: Kip
« Reply #19 on: August 08, 2010, 09:42:22 AM »
I truthfully find the less I worry about it the less I care. I just accept it as normal now.

I seem to work on a three hourly cycle. Sleep like a log, as soon as my head touches the pillow, but wake after three hours (give or take) from then on it is doze and wake, doze and wake until about 6 when if I had any sense I would get up but as I hear the start of the Today programme I nod off and don't tend to wake until either the kids are making a racket or SWWLTBO brings me a cuppa at about 8ish when I feel like shite from being woken. Come 9pm I am so bloody knackered that I go to bed. Often I am in bed by 8pm. Stoopid 'cos I just know I will wake before midnight but if I stay up I simply fall asleep in the chair.

That sometimes happens to me.
Absolutely and completely utterly totally goosed. cussing:
More goosed than I was before me kip.

I wobble about the place sometimes like a piggin half slaughtered Yak.

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Re: Kip
« Reply #20 on: August 08, 2010, 09:46:18 AM »
Piccy was taken from this if you want to watch it all


I thought my mouse wasn't working when I kept cicking on the play button above  redface:
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Re: Kip
« Reply #21 on: August 08, 2010, 09:49:58 AM »
Piccy was taken from this if you want to watch it all


I thought my mouse wasn't working when I kept cicking on the play button above  redface:

Yup. Same 'ere JOM.

Just keep clicking at it and it eventually loads.

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Re: Kip
« Reply #22 on: August 08, 2010, 10:09:48 AM »
Piccy was taken from this if you want to watch it all


I thought my mouse wasn't working when I kept cicking on the play button above  redface:

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Re: Kip
« Reply #23 on: August 08, 2010, 10:17:07 AM »
Piccy was taken from this if you want to watch it all


I thought my mouse wasn't working when I kept cicking on the play button above  redface:

 point: (Sorry)
I used to have a handle on life but it broke.

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Re: Kip
« Reply #24 on: August 08, 2010, 08:31:15 PM »
Shrugs: WOT?

I would suggest seeing the doctor but I know that is a waste of time 'cos you won't.

I'll say it for 'him' to save him some time and effort. ::)

Well either do it, or put up and shut up and stop your whinging. whistle:

I meant nothing of the sort ~ I just know that you don't trust doctors (neither do I much TBH) and I know that Mrs G is into "alternatives" which you also don't believe in.
Not much else any of us can suggest other than to tell you of our personal ways of handling it. I know that Nick doesn't sleep well and I certainly don't ever get a full night without waking several times. We both tend to listen to the radio and frankly I catch up in an armchair during the afternoons. Now why this should be I don't know. I have tried sleeping pills but that are (i) addictive and (ii) they cease to have any effect after a while so you kove on to stronger doses and that's not a good idea.
Maybe it is an age thing, maybe you have too much on your mind, maybe you are worrying about something or maybe like me you have just got into the habit of it. One thing I do know and that is if you are really tired you will sleep (As I do some afternoons).

Glad you liked the video ~ see any laydees there you fancied?
I find I sleep very well after a bit of the other. whistle:

No no no no no, not you, you daft owld trout.

Do try keeping up Snoop. ::)

He means 'me'...Not is bestish friend anymore am I since I said he was a miserable git... cry:


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Re: Kip
« Reply #25 on: August 08, 2010, 10:30:56 PM »

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Re: Kip
« Reply #26 on: August 08, 2010, 10:34:00 PM »
Sweet dreams...


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Re: Kip
« Reply #27 on: August 15, 2010, 08:39:34 AM »
Last night COULD have been a new record for me.  Banghead

Literaly crawled up the stairs here at Growler Towers, dragging my aching limbs behind me, and fell into me nest at 11:30, fell into a coma and didn't move....until 02:30 when the sound of a blaring horn right outside the house woke me, accompanied by the sound of 5 prancing screaming shouting guffawing bastards having 'a laugh'.

Tell you, if I could have got down there quick enough, I WOULD have ripped the drivers head off and shat down his scrawny rancid selfish neck.

In an agitated state, I was still awake an hour later. Banghead

I suspect it was some scummy chummies of the prat that lives over the road, and if they dare to turn up again  in a silver Pug 206, I WILL be arrested. Explode:

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Re: Kip
« Reply #28 on: August 15, 2010, 10:27:01 AM »
Pro Skub  Thumbs:


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Re: Kip
« Reply #29 on: August 15, 2010, 10:18:16 PM »
No sign of the rancid little turd unfortunately. eveilgrin:

Really really does get RIGHT on my tits, as to just how downright bloody selfish and inconsiderate some sheeples are. cussing:

Another predictable  barney ensued today about me wanting to go and live in the wilds to get away from all this crap. ::)