Last night COULD have been a new record for me.

Literaly crawled up the stairs here at Growler Towers, dragging my aching limbs behind me, and fell into me nest at 11:30, fell into a coma and didn't move....until 02:30 when the sound of a blaring horn right outside the house woke me, accompanied by the sound of 5 prancing screaming shouting guffawing bastards having 'a laugh'.
Tell you, if I could have got down there quick enough, I WOULD have ripped the drivers head off and shat down his scrawny rancid selfish neck.
In an agitated state, I was still awake an hour later.

I suspect it was some scummy chummies of the prat that lives over the road, and if they dare to turn up again in a silver Pug 206, I WILL be arrested.