Meanwhile back on topic... I don't shop in Waitrose very often but had the need to yesterday, in fact had lunch there. The place was full of middle class mummies, not yummy in the slightest but all wearing the same uniform, beige denim or chino trousers/jeans blue and beige loafers, a rain jacket, either navy or beige which ended just below the bum and had a hood. A brown or beige handbag worn horizontally from the shoulder to hip.
The one in the queue in front of me had two children, a girl and a boy both nicely dressed, the girl older than the boy. Harry, for that was his name was a complete and utter loud screaming shite. He was pulling his mothers clothing, scratching her rolling around on the floor. So much so that as I left the queue I accidentally stepped on his hand.

His mother kept asking him please not to do that Harry, please behave Harry, oh don't do that Harry but for some strange reason Harry just continued in the same vein.
There were two other families in the place behaving in the same way. I wont bore you with details and I am just about to depart on a road trip.
Needless to say I did not enjoy my lunch and was in a fury by the time I left the sodding place.