Use Asda online ~ home delivery means you never have to set foot in the place again. You pay the same price, you are not tempted to buy things you don't need, you save on fuel and related driving costs and you NEVER need to see or hear screaming sprogs again. Franky I think anyone who goes to any supermarket deserves all they get.
Tesco ans Sainsbugs offer the same service. Only Morrisons stand out against it.
I don't know how much they charge for delivery, but whatever it is, it's just yet ANOTHER expense and strain on the family budget, just when we/I am looking for ways of cutting back.
I would imagine they pick out all the older stuff for home delivery too.

Anyway, I enjoy rummaging around for the fresh stuff they pack at the back of the shelves, the same as I enjoy snapping off the stalks on the broccoli, and having a damned good snarl about screaming sprogs and blue rinse meetings blocking the aisles.

What's the point in living if you can't have a damned good sweet as a nut rant ey?