I'd rather gouge my eyes with a rusty penknife that read that utter bastard's weasel words! 
It's 'istory tho'.
Foul Language Alert!
Anything that lying fucking cunt writes is nothing to do with History and everything to do with lining his pocket....
Shame on him, shame on his government...
History and released 'secret' documents will reveal what a complete, useless lying fucker he is and how he padded 'The Journey' with lies, more lies and even more fucking lies to enhance his wealth and increase his property portfolio... the man is without shame... future generations will wonder why we didn't rise up and hang the bastard!
That is all...
The problem with that approach my old darling is that history is always written by the winners and by any measure Blair is a winner. He won elections, he has made a fortune, he damn nearly made the Labour party change (until Brown & Co scuppered him). He is, by most measures, a winner thus his version of history is of interest to those of us who like political history. I shall be reading his version along with those written by various others and coming to my own conclusions ~ as all good historians do.
I agree that Blair is an absolute toad and I have never liked the man and never will but I do want to see how he excuses his part in the past 15 years. I also want to compare his version of events with those already published by Campbell, Rawnsley and Mullins. I will await with some eagerness Brown's version too. I just get more pleasure out of reading their back-stabbing justifications than I do out of ..... oh I don't know ...... most fiction I guess. For example I have never got past page 4 of Dune, I gave up after the first chapter of The Time Travellers Wife .... I have read hundreds of books about WWI and the 100 years prior to it. I have read books about the Boer Wars and an awful lot about the second World War. I also read diaries, particularly political ones. I have even waded through Thatcher's extremely long and ghost written memoirs of her rise and fall ~ all three volumes. Fascinating stuff.