After a serious case of drinking on an empty stomach last night today I have been a total and utter pig and it is only 2 pm.
So far I have had a hooge bowl of porridge and a banana for brekky.
Followed by a sausage sandwich in the greasy spoon fro brunch ( following the law of sausages - brown sauce - bacon red)
Just eaten a packet of Rolo's
had a slab of birthday cake
and am meant to be having a chinese tonight
Due to lack of food last night, and because there was a leaving party at work I needed a contribution for, I found myself in a cake shop before 8 a.m., I had an egg mayo baguette for breakfast, followed by 3 (supposedly) mini donuts brought in by a colleague (also picking up her contribution like). For lunch there was beef sarnies, pork sarnies, crisps, dips, crudites, salad, toms, cheese, crackers, sponge cake, lemon drizzle cake, trifle and fruit. And that is just what I sampled.
Me and you gonna be busy exercising this weekend Miss D.