Prescott and co are only doing it because they want to show their muscles and get Cameron to sack his Press Officer. They weren't so keen when such activities, as those they are now alleging, were taking place at the direction of Alistair Campbell and his cronies.
As for the o.p. When did you ever meet a policeman who would commit himself to anything that might look bad for him or the police service in general? This is one of the top dogs in the Met FFS and they have been institutionally corrupt since their inception.
Frankly my only surprise is that anyone should be (i) surprised by or (ii) interested in this non story. As for that twat Justin Webb on "Today" ~ he couldn't interview his way out of a wet paper bag. His photograph on Wiki just about sums him up
The policeman said quite clearly that the "new" evidence would be followed up. Nowhere did anyone on the programme think to ask why the sacked NotW journo who has now given the story to an American paper failed to offer his "evidence" when the police were carrying out their initial enquiries.