Uncle ~ I gave up worrying about weight some time ago ~ when a stick-thin child like waif who announced herself as the hospital's "Senior Nutritionist" advised me not to eat more than one piece of fruit at a time. I asked "Do I look like the sort of Gibbon that would eat two bananas in stereo?"
She said "I am being serious .... with diabetes you have to be aware of the sugar content of fruit"
Me "And who eats a single strawberry?"
She "You aren't taking this seriously"
Me "Are you?"
She "What do you mean?"
Me "You started this conversation by telling me to only have two Weetabix for breakfast and to use a sugar substitute on them, I told you that I don't eat Weetabix or any other breakfast cereal because of their sugar and salt content, that I never add sugar to anything and I don't normally have milk. I went on to tell you that my breakfast might be a boiled, poached or scrambled egg with a slice of toasted home-made bread followed by an apple or a banana..... and that is when you started on about never eating more than one piece of fruit at a time"
We agreed to differ