Little point in exercising at that price then stopping on the way home for a bag of chips or a slab of cake to "replace the energy".
I don't buy bags of chips on the way home
, and I eat fruit cake which is full of energy and good stuff to keep me going.
I've got to eat though. I'm a BIG boy and need fuel.
Growler ~ you are a lost cause. 
Good luck at the Gym ..... I really hope it works for you.
Lost cause? 
...and you can piss right off too Cropper.
I am well displeased, and this ISN'T a new years revolution either so
Hey you narky ol' bugger I didn't say it was your NYs resolution . Just saying that as you get older things you could do back abit becomes more difficult . I expect mummy bear has already noticed that
Its all part of aging bear .
Now go and find a smaller 'ill to tackle 
Don't give a flying gaggle of turds how bloody difficult things become. makes it more of a challenge if that's the case.
What is the point of finding a smaller 'ill to tackle ey? What, exactly?
There is no point.
If I'm going to go down that route, I may as well just pack it all in, put a few claims in for dss allowances,and sit here all day stuffin'me face with hedgehog flavour crisps watching the Jeremy Kyle show.
I'm sure I won't have to wait too long for the big black bus to hell then too.

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