Day 2 in the subterranean meat locker. My oriental calisthenics attracted some interest today as I went through various routines with additional hand weights; a Taekwondo guy thought I was doing Wing Chung so I corrected him and the Aussie receptionist thought it looked
magic ... didn't feel like it as I was sweating like the proverbial porker!
I added a 20 min session whacking the hell out of the punch bag in the Box-a-pod ... that felt good
Rounded off with a swim and steam before the gaggle of harridans started their manic punchathon-beat-scream-push-sweat thing in the studio. It really is so unnecessary
The amiable Ally ran the costs past me and the best they can do is a 50 quid monthly on a 3 month contract; I don't think it's for me as mostly, apart from the swim and steam, I can do out in the park.