My rash / spots/ general itchiness is getting no better.
I am tired of trying to rub myself up against the office furniture and people running away in horror from me.
I am looking for a vacant attic where I can happily live out the rest of my days
Have you tried leaving off the creams and unguents?
This sounds like something I had some years ago and a friend suggested I try:
Yes I know it says it is for athelete's foot but I had this invisible rash that itched like f*ck all over my back and shoulders. Nothing would shift it but a sprinkling of Mycota Powder worked. Gave me instant (almost) relief and after a couple of days the unseen rash went away. I told my then GP who said that it was all in my mind but my cricket playing pal claimed that what I was actually suffering from was "Prickly Heat" which a subsequent GP (locum) agreed could well have been the case and that she had heard of Mycota being useful in cases such as mine.
You can get it in any chemist without prescription. It is cheap as chips and it works!
PS I had not been in the tropics nor was it a hot summer. I had spent a lot of time in the car prior to the itch starting up. I had always assumed that "Prickly Heat" was something one got in Malaya or somesuch but apparently, like many ailments, it is a name and doesn't require tropical conditions to set it off. Something to do with virus and sweating ~ or so said my cricketing chum who had suffered in the past. He got the tip from his club physio.