Thanks for the reminder of those halcyon days.

For the record, it WAS masonary paint, only Nick in his wisdom

plundered ahead and ended up painting the grass and moss that was hanging over the kerbstones.
I told him we needed to prep the kerbs first, but him being so intelligent like...meaning NO common sense....said it would be ok if we just lashed it on.
I didn't stand a chance, cus he was in such a hurry to get to the ale 'ouse anyawy, so I simply left him to it and attacked a hedge instead.
Anyway, reading this thread again brought a tear to me eye.

WHERE'S Marleys Ghost gone. We used to pm each other, and he was sound and dead helpful on computerey stuff.
Nice bloke.
Last Active: May 13, 2008, 09:45:35 AM